My Portfolio

A showcase of my projects.

My name is
Žygimantas Prielaidas

More than half a year ago I decided to turn programming from my second choice and a hobby to my first choice and a real career, and I have been working hard every day since then to achieve this goal not only by attending .NET programming courses, but also by learning independently.

Below you will find a few of my projects I have made so far.

Calculator app

A functioning calculator that resembles the Mac OS one. Made at the start of the programming courses when we were learning about HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


The most popular paper and pencil game now also available in your web browser! Made as a side project on my free time.

Bulky Book

A simple ASP.NET Core MVC web application where you can do CRUD operations. Made to see how a web application interacts with a database with the help of Entity Framework.

Razor Pizzeria

A simple pizza delivery web application that adds every order to a database. Made to see how Razor Pages differ from MVC.

Meme Generator

First bigger React app. While making this and previous React apps, I learned the basics of creating custom reusable components, props, state, forms, conditional rendering and side effects.

Upcoming React + MVC app

I am currently learning React on my own with the help of online courses at After that I am planning on making a web application than encompasses both React and MVC.